carried an 18 February 2020 article titled: Enough of 'OK, Boomer' highlighting Boomer versus Millennial shenanigans. This is what it had to say about ageism:

Should an individual feel he or she might has been unfairly discriminated against because of age, Nicol Myburgh, Head of the HR Business Unit at CRS Technologies says there are various steps that can be taken.

“At the most basic level, the employee should report the issue to the HR department.”

I commented that failure of HR to sort out this ageism issue fairly and satisfactorily, should not prompt one to immediately fall back onto the Commission for Conciliation, Mediation and Arbitration (CCMA) for a resolution though. There are alternative means and measures available prior to such a drastic external move. 

These include both internal and external resources. For example, appealing to one's work team, supervisor, manager, his or her senior manager, and of course one's union representative.

Failing that, there are several alternative dispute resolution (ADR) strategies that are available.

“However, in the case of a dismissal, a good route to follow would be to file a complaint with the CCMA, says Myburgh.”

What are your views and remedies for dealing with issues around ageism when Boomers versus Millennials? I would love to hear from you regarding your HR, IR, or L&D bugbears, pains, or wish-lists via my Contact Us button above.